%0 Journal Article %T Professor Lu Aiping: be a good Chinese medicine doctor, need more Western medicine knowledge %A Fan, Limor %J Longhua Chinese Medicine %D 2019 %B 2019 %9 %! Professor Lu Aiping: be a good Chinese medicine doctor, need more Western medicine knowledge %K %X The 3rd Longhua International Forum on Digestive Disease wassuccessfully held in Shanghai on December 1st to 2nd,2018, gathering many leading experts and scholars in the area of digestivedisease to share experience and techniques in this field (Figure 1).This meeting is of great significance to promoting the deep exchange ofdiagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases with the combined therapy ofChinese and Western medicine. We are honored to interview Prof. Lu Aiping (Figure2) during the Forum. Watch the video to learn more information (Figure 3). %U https://lcm.amegroups.org/article/view/4935 %V 2 %P %@ 2616-2806